Thai Man's Harmonious Life with Eight Wives: A Fascinating Story of Togetherness

 "Ong Dam Sorot, a tattoo artist, lives with eight wives and has drawn attention from those who claim they cannot handle even one spouse.

In an interview on a TV show, Sorot discussed his marital arrangement, stating that they all live happily under one roof as one big family. The interview, which has garnered over 3 million views on YouTube, features Sorot introducing each of his wives and explaining how they met.

According to reports, the women describe Sorot as the kindest and most considerate man they've ever known. They all get along well together, and there seems to be no issue with their living situation.

Sorot met his first wife, Nong Sprite, at a friend's wedding and soon proposed to her. His second wife, Nong L, was met at a market, and his third wife, Nong Nan, at a hospital. The fourth, fifth, and sixth wives were met via Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, respectively. The seventh wife, Nong Film, met Sorot while visiting the Phra Pathom Chedi temple. Finally, Sorot encountered his eighth wife, Nong Mai, while on a holiday with four of his wives in Pattaya beach.

The wives sleep in four bedrooms, two per room, and have established a roster to take turns sharing a bed with their husband. All parties involved seem to be content with this arrangement.

When Sorot discussed the possibility of taking a second wife with Nong Sprite, she reportedly agreed out of love for him, appreciating his attentiveness in considering her feelings.

Sorot encourages his wives to be honest with him and to communicate if they develop feelings for someone else."

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